Thursday 13 December 2012

Magazine Audience Feedback

1).Who is the targeted audience? Are they the group that I initially targeted?

2). How are particular social groups represented in my magazine– fans of particular music, age group, defined by social class/ gender/ethnicity…? Are these representations positive, negative or mixed?

3).Which elements of the magazine do you like?

4).What could be improved?

5). How has my technical and creative skills developed since my college magazine?


  1. 1) The target audience is young people who are interested in indie music and possibly rock music.
    2)The social class for this magazine is for normal educated adults and students. I think this magazine is for both male and female like on the front cover he used a female to be his model so you know this is targeted for both sex because it could be an inspiration to a female and a crush for a guy. The use of colours in his magazine are normal and both male and female would pick up this magazine. I think this magazine is for all races but I think the majority of the readers will be white.
    3) I like this front cover the best how the girl is so natural and looks so innocent with the soft background and the dark colours. I think everything works well together.
    4) I like everything the way it is. I don't think anything really needs to be improved.

  2. 1) The target group for your magazine is young people who are fans of Indie Music.

    2) The social classes in you magazine are all represent positively. Your magazine has a classy feel too it that would appeal to people with a higher status such as middle class, however doesnt exclude the working class. I think your magazine would appeal to both a male and female audience as you have an attractive model on the front cover that would appeal to the male side of your target audience and a fashion section that would a appeal to mostly women and some men. I think your magazine is targeted at all nationalities and ethnicities.

    3) The audience would like the simple and contempory look you have gone for as it is related to this genre and also the photography of the model who is dressed in a typical 'indie' fashion

    4) I dont think there is much you could change for your magazine.

    Front Cover: The only think i could suggest is if you moved the caption underneath the masthead to a differently place or completely removed it as i think your front cover would work prefectly without it.

    Contents Page:To improve the contents page you could add in more features on the page and maybe making them merge like other magazines.

    Double Page Spread: if you changed the text you used on the DPS.

    5)Since the college magazine task, your use of Photoshop and InDesign as improved a lot,i think you skills have developed nice and have helped you to produce the professional pieces you have produced.

  3. 5)After you have completed your college magazine for the premium task, you have progressed the way to structure a magazine for whatever purpose. Also your skills on photoshop&InDesign have improved, your are using more various types of fonts, the colour, layout and so on...
    The shots you have taken are more professional and delicate. Nicely placed on the magazine. Simply wonderful.
