Monday 3 December 2012

Music Magazine Composition


  1. Very good
    Maybe filling in the white spaces would look much better, other then that no problems

  2. front cover: I like your front cover, the photography is very simple and professional. the font on the model should be white or a colour that you can see the writing properly. the masthead is very good and i like your colour scheme for your magazine.I like how all the pages have the page numbers on them aswell.

    the magazine should have:
    the date
    the issue's number
    the uks price on the magazine

    the 'magazine that depicts inspiration' should be in the right hand corner,and not on her fore head.

    contents page: i like the contents page. i ike your left page and i think you should just leave it as it is. it is very simple and i like the fonts. the right hand side should have more writing on the page and more images on the contents page.

    the contents page should have:
    editors note

    i like the dps, the journalism coloumns should be alligned with each other, the qoutes should be less.

    to make the bps better:
    it should have who is the journalist and who is the photographer on the page wher the model is.

    other than that the magazine is great.

  3. The magazine looks very good i just think the 'magazine that depicts inspiration' should be placed somewhere else as it looks abit weird across her forehead. Abit more should be added to the contents page just to fill it up abit and maybe add a little picture on the dps to fill up the space at the bottom

  4. I like your magazines style its very contemporary looking. I also like the colours you have used as they work well together. However i think you need to work within the free space you have and put the featured content and other stuff on different lines.

    But apart from that it looks really good!
