Monday 1 October 2012

Case Studies

The audience may predominantly be male as they will be attracted to the female model in the cover page. Although a female audience may also purchase the magazine as they can feel inspired of the fashion and elegance of the model. A captivating and attractive female is shown.
Colour scheme
3 colour schemes: white red and black. The abundance of the colour white, connotes a sense of purity which relates to the model, who´s make-up is soft, on the other hand, we have the name “FLORENCE” in black which contrasts the whole colour scheme to make obvious that she is the main idol of this NME magazine. Moreover, we can suggest that her red hair can be included as part of the colour scheme which enhances her importance as the actual colour, red, attracts attention, we can also see there might be some “danger” behind her superficial purity as her name is coloured in black and her “fiery” hair colour may suggest an “evil” side to how she is presented from the exterior. Therefore, we might think there´s danger behind the main article which intrigues the customers as most of the audience would be young students (16-25) so they might find them interesting as the emotions connoted are ones that they have experienced before and find amusing.

The audience may predominantly be male as they will be attracted to the female model in the cover page. Although a female audience may also purchase the magazine as they can feel inspired of the fashion and elegance of the model. A captivating and attractive female is shown.

Colour scheme

3 colour schemes: white red and black. The abundance of the colour white, connotes a sense of purity which relates to the model, who´s make-up is soft, on the other hand, we have the name “FLORENCE” in black which contrasts the whole colour scheme to make obvious that she is the main idol of this NME magazine. Moreover, we can suggest that her red hair can be included as part of the colour scheme which enhances her importance as the actual colour, red, attracts attention, we can also see there might be some “danger” behind her superficial purity as her name is coloured in black and her “fiery” hair colour may suggest an “evil” side to how she is presented from the exterior. Therefore, we might think there´s danger behind the main article which intrigues the customers as most of the audience would be young students (16-25) so they might find them interesting as the emotions connoted are ones that they have experienced before and find amusing.

Masthead (title logotype, logo or nameplate)

The name of the magazine (NME) is specifically situated in the top left corner thus when exposed in a store the customers can identify straight away what magazine it is. It connotes a sense that the name of the magazine is the safe haven of the cover as it is coloured in white and outstands the rest of the magazine. The audience can again find the masthead easily and perhaps find it alluring.

Main image

The model, Florence, covers nearly the whole cover making it obvious that the main story is about her, the use of direct visual contact engages the reader immediately. The photograph is a close-up which is again to reinforce the idea of her importance. What the model is wearing again concords with the “pure” colour scheme. The eye contact attracts the reader, and the rule of thirds is used in the photography as what we look at straight away is Florence eyes hence her face is placed at the middle of the cover.

Lower left third

The lower left third is essential as it is the part which is solely shown when being sold in shops as the magazine is not shown full-frontage. The title must stand out as it is competing with other magazines. The audience would look at this first as it is the part shown in newsstands, therefore it is key that what is there is interesting and will engage the reader into buying it. The fact that part of the name “Florence” is showing works as the readers would know that “Florence is the one being mentioned.

The amount of images used is done to keep an interest on the audience and produce as bigger variety as possible to intrigue the biggest amount of readers as possible. The contents page follows the conventions of other contents page which apply features and regulars, this is to leave a sense of ease when finding the issues the reader is interested. Although an editor´s letter is missing which would be useful to welcome the reader into the magazine and then may attract them into the next issue.
The index of bands is positioned down the right hand side of the page; this is the same in every single magazine. This enables the audience to find information upon the bands they are more interested of inside the magazine.
The use of the bold writing in the centre of the contents page highlights the main article of the magazine, which with unison of the picture is extremely eye catching for the reader. Moreover, it compresses the story as, “our photo tribute to three decades of gigs at one of the world´s greatest music venues” which purpose is to engage the reader on reading more as the story is not fully revealed but you can have a sense direction
Advertisement for subscription
of where it is going. Furthermore, the page numbers are in red which tie with the red comment on the lower right side of the spread.
In every NME magazine, the contents page contains an advertisement for subscription. The background of which is in contrast with the main base colour in this case black over white, to illustrate it is another side-story of the magazine itself. The yellow writing stands out on the supplementary background (black) to draw attention. Thereby, it augments the chance of readers to subscribe to the weekly NME circulation.

 The fact that “USA” is different to the rest of the title by being in a different font, colour and size is eye catching and suggest that USA is the actual main importance of this article even though it is placed behind the model we can recognize what it stands for as “USA” itself is recognized worldwide and it is not difficult to identify the letters exposed.


The image connotes an air of softness which relates to the background´s elegant colour scheme. We can identify how the elegant output of the spread is an anchorage to the model herself who is portrayed in a “lady-like” manner. On the other hand, we can suggest that the masculine public may be interested in this article as the clothes of the model are short and will attract them. Her posture is relaxed but yet composed which shows elegance but still may attract the male audience.


The structure is simple and not crowded it shows a concise yet again an elegant aura around the spread. This is to attract the audience into finding what they are interested in with ease. And to find the journalistic writing not as overwhelming as it is set in columns.

Colour scheme

The use of colours, white, black and red work well throughout the magazine, as white is being used in the background to highlight the other colours in the spread. The red is eye-catching and connotes a “sexy” appeal to the subject which is again used for men´s attention.


The font of “USA” is bigger and different as it is the main topic of this spread, the rest of the title and article uses a more sophisticates font which relates to the theme and educated young audience. The journalistic writing had been written in a formal register in order to attract the educated audience, however a more casual register is found in the use of the anchorage with the title and the performer as the lyrics of one of her songs is used. The audience would know this and find it interesting.

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