Friday 21 September 2012

Induction Assignment


Media AS

Ricardo Reveron Blanco.


a). Your research skills – strengths and weaknesses.

- Personally, I have been able to research some quotes which I have included into my cover page, moreover I have presented some facts and figures into my piece of writing. On the other hand, I should have added more figures instead of adding more biased opinions. In the future, I should research in detail by looking at other magazines instead of relying solely on the internet.

b). Journalistic and writing skills – strengths and weaknesses.

- I have kept a much formal attitude towards the article, thus, my intended audience apply to several people who have a passion to music thus the magazine is called TM MAGAZINE (The Music). However, I should have changed the colour of the writing in the second page where the background picture makes it difficult to read, I have tried to enable an easier reading by changing the colour of the outside of the font.

c). The InDesign skills you have learnt – strengths and weaknesses.

- I have learnt to import the article from Word document and images into InDesign, I am now also able to apply exact columns and the use of the ruler to make all of them coherent and congruent, I have also added some background colour to add some “life” to the entire magazine. I am also able to export the document into JPEG. Moreover, I am also able to use the Rectangle Frame Tool to fit the images imported. In contrast, I should learn other tools which will improve my future assignments.

d). Web publishing skills – strengths and weaknesses.

- I have yet not uploaded my work into Blogger therefore I have to become used to this for future work. Thereby, when using publishing you achieve a global audience which then feedback can be given to enable improvements into the work published. Moreover, it is cheaper than printing the whole magazine, it will widespread easier. On the other hand, we must consider that some individuals enjoy reading physical magazines. I will upload my JPEG magazine into blogger with my evaluation, where we as a class can give feedback to each other.

e). Audience feedback – how was this helpful.

- “It is straight forward, you can identify what the article is about by the images and the pulling statement”

-“However, the writing on the right hand page is difficult to read due to the image on the background”.

Due to the feedback given, I am now aware of the improvements I should make when creating another magazine spread and I am also aware of the positive assets and journalistic skills I have included in my piece.

f). Set yourself four specific targets for improvement based on the weaknesses identified.

1). Be coherent about the arrangement of writing so that the background images or colours do not interfere with the writing.

2). Research not solely on the internet but also in magazine articles.

3). Become more confident with using InDesign.

4). Become more confident in uploading my work into the web using Blogger.

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